Pocono Heritage Land Trust is a non-profit land trust organization dedicated to conserving the natural heritage and rural quality of the Pocono region. Our mission is to protect and steward the lands of the Poconos for the benefit of current and future generations. We work tirelessly to preserve the scenic beauty, clean water, and diverse wildlife habitats that make the Poconos special. Our team is comprised of dedicated individuals who are passionate about land conservation and environmental stewardship. We take pride in our work and are committed to making a positive impact on the region.
Who we Are
Founded in 1984. Pocono Heritage Land Trust was formed as a local land protection organization at the recommendation of The Nature Conservancy. As of 2021, PHLT has protected 4948 acres (1981 fee simple, 2967 easement).
Executive Directors:
Dawn Gorham 2005 to 2015;
Bill Sweeney July 2015 to Dec. 2016;
Lori Colgan (interim ED) Dec. 2016 to April 2017;
Cindy Miano April 2017 to June 2018;
Louise Troutman June 2018 - present
The Pocono Heritage Land Trust works to preserve important lands of the Pocono region. These are identified as lands with: high quality streams and other flowing water, natural resources, connectivity to existing and planned greenways and buffers, unique and threatened habitats, areas with increased threat of development especially in underserved communities, large parcels of 100 or more acres, or lands with historical significance representing our collective cultural heritage.
The Pocono Heritage Land Trust exists for the benefit of our community including present and future generations of residents, visitors, and tourists in Monroe and contiguous counties. We work proudly alongside local, regional, state, and national conservation organizations to preserve lands in all regions of the Poconos.
Founded in 1984, the Pocono Heritage Land Trust is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization funded by grants and contributions from individual and corporate donors. It is guided by the Land Trust Alliance's Standards and Practices.
In 2020, the Pocono Avian Research Center merged with PHLT.
Our avian research delves into the mysteries of bird behavior, migration patterns, and habitat preferences. Through rigorous research and collaboration, we contribute valuable insights to the conservation of bird species. Join us as we share findings, engage in discussions, and promote awareness about the importance of our feathered friends. We can make a difference in the preservation of biodiversity and the natural environment.